Nerello Cappuccio Pinot Nero

Nerello Cappuccio Pinot Nero

Terre Siciliane IGT

Collezione wines

Collezione Nerello Cappuccio Pinot Noir has a deep and fascinating soul. It knows how to surprise with its elegance and like a work of art that can be interpreted in many ways, it invites you to discover each of its facets.

Drink it with…

Collezione Nerello Cappuccio Pinot Noir is a persistent blend with a round finish. At the table, it goes well with everything, but only certain dishes can fully express its personality.
Savoury fig cheesecake

Savoury fig cheesecake

The sweetness of figs matchs with the strong taste of bacon, creating a blend of flavors that is pure…

Taboulè of vegetables

Taboulè of vegetables

Colours, scents and flavours of the Mediterranean in one dish: vegetables taboulè. This dish stands out for its lightness…

How do I recycle it?

Recycling is a gesture that can make a difference. If your bottle is empty, recycle it properly, according to the local collection methods.


Plastic waste


Organic or dedicated waste


Glass waste
