The life and soul of the party

Il Frizzantino

The life and soul of the party

Il Frizzantino

Sparkling wines

Frizzantino is a Sicilian grape blend that loves to party with its fellows. It has grown up through the vineyards, taking the best from each grape variety. This results in a lively and vivacious wine, whose sparkling character fascinates everyone.

Drink it with…

Its favourite time of day is aperitif hour. Frizzantino is perfect with fish appetizers and aperitifs, but its lively nature is also able to enhance other courses.
Raw prawns and watermelon

Raw prawns and watermelon

The watermelon’s sweetness blends with the raw prawns’ marine flavour, creating a taste experience of contrasting flavours and textures.…

Shrimp tartare

Shrimp tartare

Shrimp tartare is immediately a gourmet dinner, but an easy one. We suggest an effortless dish that, with the…

How do I recycle it?

Recycling is a gesture that can make a difference. If your bottle is empty, recycle it properly, according to the local collection methods.


Plastic waste


Organic or dedicated waste


Glass waste
